When you want the best you don’t settle for less. While I would like to say that has always been my motto in life it hasn’t. I used to just settle for any type of porn that I could get my greedy hands on. Most of it was just a blurry mess but I was somehow able to jerk off with it and that was just what I was used to getting.
You can imagine the look on my face and my cock when I started to explore those 4k porn scenes. It was like I had discovered the holy grail of porn and I guess in a sense I did. You no longer settle for anything that comes your way, you take your time and you make sure that you and that cock of yours are getting the best in porn.
This is why I make sure I find myself making daily visits to Eporner. I know I will be getting quality porn and I know that my cock is going to be happy about it. Make the change from bad quality porn scenes and see how you feel after you have gone balls deep in HQ quality streaming porn scenes.